冯雅娴, 罗亚平, 黄昊
中国人民公安大学刑事科学技术学院, 北京 102623
罗亚平,女,教授,博士,研究方向为指纹鉴定。 E-mail:lyp6698@163.com

作者简介:冯雅娴(1992—),女,山东菏泽人,硕士研究生,研究方向为痕迹检验。 E-mail: 985565290@qq.com


目的 探究在常见塑料材质、玻璃等非渗透性客体上,502胶熏显后用Ardrox荧光液染色显现潜在手印方法。方法 收集12种常见塑料材质、玻璃等非渗透性客体,用Ardrox荧光液染色与罗丹明6G、BBD、龙胆紫进行显现潜在手印对比实验。同时测试Ardrox荧光液染色最佳遗留时间,采取控制变量,改变单一变量,选取显现效果最好的锡箔纸作为实验检材,分别在遗留1、3、5、7、15 d后进行显现。结果 在大多数常见塑料材质、玻璃等非渗透客体上,502胶- Ardrox荧光液显现效果优于罗丹明6G、BBD和龙胆紫,在锡箔纸、黑塑料袋、易拉罐上效果最好;在浅色客体或深色客体上,Ardrox荧光液均能取得很好的显现效果,光盘上的显现效果不佳。最佳遗留时间测试结果表明,Ardrox荧光液显现指纹,遗留15 d以内的样本都可以很清晰的显现出来,超过15 d,显现效果明显减弱。结论 502胶- Ardrox荧光液显现法显现率高、荧光强。

关键词: 手印; 502胶; Ardrox荧光液; 非渗透客体
中图分类号:DF794.1 文献标志码:中图分类号:DF794.1 文献标识号:A 文章编号:1008-3650(2015)03-0211-04 文章编号:1008-3650(2015)03-0211-04 doi: 10.16467/j.1008-3650.2015.03.010
Enhancement of the Cyanoacrylate Fumed Fingermarks Using Ardrox
FENG Yaxian, LUO Yaping, HUANG Hao
School of Criminal Science and Technology, People’s Public Security University of China, Beijing 102623, China

Objective To determine the dyeing effect of Ardrox fluorescent liquid on non-porous surfaces after development of fingerprints by cyanoacrylate glue.Methods Study was carried out to establish the method to enhance the fingermarks fumed by cyanoacrylate glue using Ardrox fluorescent liquid. Comparative experiments were performed on 12 kinds of common plastic, glass or other non-porous objects with rhodanmine 6G, BBD and gentian violet solution, respectively. All experiments were ensured to be coupled with the most optimized conditions and fuming time. Fingermark aging period test of 1, 3, 5, 7 and 15 days with cyanoacrylate-Ardrox approach was demonstrated as well.Results On plastic, glass and other non-porous substrates, the cyanoacrylate glue-Ardrox fluorescent liquid method had shown the developed images, obviously superior to those with rhodanmine 6G, BBD and gentian violet, with the most significant effects on tinfoil, black plastic bags and zip-top cans. On the surfaces with light or dark colors, Ardrox usually be able to demonstrate the significant effects of fingermarks except those on disks, of which the background irradiated by UV light weakened the contrast of reflection. Ardrox fluorescent liquid should be used as quickly as possible, and the best performance appeared within 24 hours after made up. The pictures needed to be taken immediately right after dyeing. According to the data, samples left over for 15 days or less could be clearly developed, while the effects of dyeing reduced significantly after 15 days.Conclusions The developing method with cyanoacrylate glue and Ardrox fluorescent liquid features reliability, distinct imaging and high fluorescence.

Keyword: latent fingermarks; cyanoacrylate glue; Ardrox fluorescent liquid; non-porous surface

502胶又称超级胶, 常用于显现非渗透性客体上的汗潜手印, 其主要成分α -氰基丙烯酸乙酯具有很强的吸电子基氰基和酯基, α -氰基丙烯酸乙酯单体很容易在水或弱碱的引发下进行阴离子聚合, 形成白色固体聚合物显出手印[1]。对于一些背景颜色复杂或浅色客体, 502胶熏显出的手印纹线或与背景反差较小, 或背景颜色干扰, 难以观察或拍照记录, 需使用罗丹明6G、BBD以及龙胆紫等常见染色剂进行二次增强处理。对背景荧光存在严重干扰的客体表面, 潜在手印荧光显现率比较低。近几年国外文献[2]报道采用Ardrox荧光液进行502熏显后染色, 效果较好。本文对502胶- Ardrox荧光液显现技术进行研究, 并与传统的两步显现方法比较。

1 材料与方法
1.1 器材和试剂

FYFC-Ⅲ 微电脑502手印熏显柜、HG-10365长波紫外灯、尼康单镜头反光数码相机D7000(Nikon)。


1.2 方 法

1.2.1 客体选取 12种常见非渗透客体:锡箔纸、黑色塑料袋、透明塑料、载玻片、透明胶带、黄色胶带、牛奶盒、食品包装袋、光盘、矿泉水瓶、易拉罐、饮料包装袋。

1.2.2 制作样本 比较实验:志愿者双手不作任何处理, 直接捺印, 捺印后, 将样本一分为二, 遗留1 d后分别进行熏显染色; 遗留时间实验:选取在比较实验中显现效果最好的客体作为样本客体, 志愿者双手不作任何处理, 直接捺印, 分别遗留1、3、5、7、15 d后进行熏显染色。

1.2.3 配制溶液 Ardrox染色液:量取1 mL Ardrox荧光液放于烧杯中, 分别加入9 mL丙醇, 15 mL丁酮, 75 mL蒸馏水[3]; 罗丹明6G染色液:称取0.2 g罗丹明6G粉末放于烧杯中, 加入200 mL无水乙醇[1]; BBD染色贮存液:取0.2 g BBD溶于100 mL丙酮中; BBD染色工作液:取5 mL贮存液, 加入495 mL无水乙醇 [1]; 龙胆紫染色液:称取0.9 g龙胆紫结晶放于烧杯中, 加入2 g苯酚、9 mL无水乙醇、91 mL蒸馏水[1]

1.2.4 操作方法 熏显柜温度为120℃, 湿度为80%; 在铝箔蒸发皿中滴入4~5滴502胶水; 将待显检材与502胶水、水一起放入熏显柜中, 按下启动键; 熏显完成后分别使用Ardrox荧光液、罗丹明6G溶液、BBD溶液、龙胆紫溶液进行染色; 用Ardrox染色液染色后, 用长波紫外灯, 进行观察拍照; 用罗丹明6G染色后, 用多波段光源530 nm绿光, 透过橙红色滤光片观察拍照; 用BBD染色后, 用多波段光源450 nm蓝光, 透过橙色滤光镜观察拍照; 龙胆紫染色后直接肉眼观察[4]。每种显现方法在最佳配方、最佳操作过程及拍照条件下进行。

1.3 实验设计

1.3.1 对比实验 12种非渗透客体, 5名志愿者在每种客体上分别捺印一组, 每组连续捺印5枚, 捺印手印时, 尽量保持接触时间、捺印力度和捺印方式一致, 共300枚手印。每枚手印对半剪开, 分别用Ardrox荧光液、罗丹明6G、BBD、龙胆紫试剂显现。

1.3.2 遗留时间实验 5名志愿者分别在锡箔纸上捺印两组手印, 每组连续捺印5枚手印, 捺印手印时, 尽量保持接触时间、捺印力度和捺印方式一致。分别在遗留1、3、5、7、15 d后进行显现。

1.3.3 模拟实验 随机收集不同类型的非渗透性客体, 进行模拟实验, 观察在502胶水熏显后Ardrox染色效果。

2 结果与分析

2.1 502胶-Ardrox与常见502胶二次染色方法比较

在12种常见非渗透性客体上502胶二次染色方法与Ardrox荧光液的比较结果表明, 在锡箔纸、黑塑料袋、易拉罐反面三种客体, Ardrox荧光液显现效果最好; 在透明塑料袋、牛奶盒、光盘、易拉罐正面这些客体上, 普遍显现效果较差。饮料包装纸Ardrox荧光液显出局部的纹线, 其他三种方法没有结果。Ardrox荧光液显现效果普遍优于其他三种染色方法。

2.1.1 502胶- Ardrox与502胶-罗丹明6G比较

Ardrox荧光液显现效果普遍优于罗丹明6G, Ardrox荧光液处理的纹线荧光强, 纹线更清晰, 具有较高的灵敏度, 在锡箔纸上显现效果最好, 在透明塑料袋上效果稍差, 背景反光是主要原因(见图1图2)。

图 1 502胶-Ardrox荧光液和502胶-罗丹明6G熏显手印效果比较。从左至右依次为:白色塑料袋、黑色塑料袋、透明胶带、锡箔纸熏显的潜手印; 各图左半部分为502胶-Ardrox熏显潜手印, 右半部分为502胶-罗丹明6G。手印遗留时间为均1 d。Fig.1 Comparison of fingermarks developed with cyanoacrylate glue-Ardrox fluorescent solution and cyanoacrylate glue-rhodamine 6G. From left to right are substrates of white plastic bag, black plastic bag, transparent tape and tin foil. Left side of each picture is fingermark treated with cyanoacrylate glue-Ardrox fluorescent solution, right side cyanoacrylate glue-rhodamine 6G. All fingerprints are 1 day aged.

图 2 12种非渗透性客体上Ardrox荧光液和罗丹明6G熏显效果比较。“ +++” :Ardrox染色效果强于罗丹明6G; “ ++” :Ardrox染色效果与罗丹明6G相同; “ +” :Ardrox染色效果弱于罗丹明6G。Fig.2 Comparison between Ardrox and rhodamine 6G treatment on 12 non-porous surfaces. “ +++” : Ardrox treatment is better than rhodamine 6G; “ ++” : two treatments are almost equivalent; “ +” : rhodamine 6G is better than Ardrox.

2.1.2 502胶- Ardrox荧光液与502-BBD比较 从图3图4可以看出, Ardrox荧光液的显现效果普遍优于BBD, Ardrox荧光液显现的手印具有荧光, 可以更好的排除复杂背景的干扰。如果背景本身有荧光, 会减弱显现效果。

图 3 502胶-Ardrox荧光液和502胶-BBD熏显效果比较。从左至右依次为:透明胶带、锡箔纸、塑料包装袋、饮料瓶的潜手印; 各图左半部分为502胶-Ardrox熏显潜手印, 右半部分为502胶-BBD。手印遗留时间为均1 d。Fig.3 Comparison of fingermarks developed with cyanoacrylate glue-Ardrox fluorescent solution and cyanoacrylate glue-BBD solution. From left to right are substrates of transparent tape, tin foil, plastic packaging bag and drink bottle. Left side of each picture is fingermark treated with cyanoacrylate glue-Ardrox fluorescent solution, right side cyanoacrylate glue-BBD solution. All fingerprints are 1 day aged.

图 4 12种非渗透性客体上Ardrox荧光液和BBD熏显效果比较。“ +++” :Ardrox染色效果强于BBD; “ ++” :Ardrox染色效果与BBD相同; “ +” :Ardrox染色效果弱于BBD。Fig.4 Comparison between Ardrox and BBD treatment on 12 non-porous surfaces. “ +++” : Ardrox treatment is better than BBD; “ ++” : two treatments are almost equivalent; “ +” : BBD is better than Ardrox.

2.1.3 502胶- Ardrox荧光液与502-龙胆紫比较 观察实验效果图(见图5图6), Ardrox荧光液显现效果普遍优于龙胆紫。龙胆紫显出的纹线也很清晰, 但不具有荧光, 无法排除复杂背景的干扰。但两者在食品袋上的显现效果一般, 可能是因为背景较复杂且具有荧光, 影响了两种试剂的显现效果。

图 5 502胶-Ardrox荧光液和502胶-龙胆紫熏显效果比较。从左至右依次为:黑色塑料袋、牛奶盒内面、食品袋、锡箔纸的潜手印; 各图左半部分为502胶-Ardrox熏显潜手印, 右半部分为502胶-龙胆紫。手印遗留时间为均1 d。Fig.5 Comparison of fingermarks developed with cyanoacrylate glue-Ardrox fluorescent solution and cyanoacrylate glue-gentian violet solution. From left to right are substrates of black plastic bag, internal surface of milk carton, foodbag and tin foil. Left side of each picture is fingermark treated with cyanoacrylate glue-Ardrox fluorescent solution, right side cyanoacrylate glue-gentian violet solution. All fingerprints are 1 day aged.

图 6 12种非渗透性客体上Ardrox荧光液和龙胆紫熏显效果比较。“ +++” :Ardrox染色效果强于龙胆紫; “ ++” :Ardrox染色效果与龙胆紫相同; “ +” :Ardrox染色效果弱于龙胆紫。Fig.6 Comparison between Ardrox and gentian violet solution treatment on 12 non-porous surfaces. “ +++” : Ardrox treatment is better than gentian violet solution; “ ++” : two treatments are almost equivalent; “ +” : gentian violet solution is better than Ardrox.

2.2 502胶-Ardrox对不同遗留时间手印显现效果

对遗留1、3、5、7、15 d及以上的指纹拍照观察(见表1)。发现遗留15 d以内的指纹, 502胶- Ardrox荧光液能很好显现, 时间影响不是特别大, 在显出率和清晰度方面稍有变化, 遗留1 d的指纹显现效果最佳, 纹线最清楚, 荧光最强, 然后效果依次减弱。遗留超过15 d以上的指纹, 效果明显减弱。

表 1 不同遗留时间汗潜手印显现效果 Table 1 Visualization of fingermarks of different deposit time with Ardrox
2.3 模拟实验

模拟5种常见现场遗留客体情况, 然后用502胶- Ardrox荧光液进行显现, 结果见图7。其中垃圾袋、锡箔纸、牛奶盒上效果较好, 光盘和易拉罐效果一般。这与客体材质和本身的荧光有关系, 表面不平整或者本身背景有荧光都会影响显现效果。

图 7 模拟现场样本。从左至右依次为:踩扁易拉罐、废弃垃圾袋、褶皱的锡箔纸、涂字光盘、污染牛奶盒。Fig.7 Simulated samples. From left to right: squashed can, abandoned garbage bag, fold tin foil, smeared CD and contaminated milk carton.

3 讨 论

本研究建立了去除502熏显出手印背景荧光方法, 将荧光液滴至502熏显出手印部位, 使得形成白色络合物的纹线被荧光液浸满, 晾干, 在紫外灯下利用棉球浸水轻轻擦拭背景, 清除背景荧光液, 最后用喷洒器以一定角度喷洒手印洗去多余荧光液, 或利用细小水流冲洗, 使得表面荧光液均匀。应用502胶- Ardrox荧光液法对不同遗留时间的汗潜手印显现, 发现样本遗留时间15 d以内的熏显染色效果较好, 荧光较强, 可显出较清晰的纹线。超过15 d, 显现效果明显减弱。Ardrox荧光液主要成分为蒸馏水, 易蒸发、易污染, 配好后要尽快使用, 放置时间超过24 h, 显现效果会减弱, 与其他常见染色方法相比, Ardrox荧光液灵敏度高, 荧光强, 尤其在浅色、背景复杂的客体上有较好的显现效果。染色后应尽快拍照。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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